Activate Lane Departure Warning in Subaru Outback: Easy Steps!

If you own a Subaru Outback, you may have heard about the lane departure warning feature that comes with this vehicle. This feature is designed to help drivers stay in their lane and avoid drifting off the road or into another lane unintentionally. Activating this feature is easy, and it can provide an extra layer of safety and security for you and your passengers.

To activate the lane departure warning feature in your Subaru Outback, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. First, locate the "Settings" button on your vehicle's dashboard or touchscreen display. From there, you should be able to find the "Driver Assistance" or "Safety" section, which will contain the option to turn on the lane departure warning feature. Once you've located this option, simply toggle it on and you're all set.

With the lane departure warning feature activated, you'll receive visual and audible alerts if your vehicle starts to drift out of its lane. This can be especially helpful on long drives or during periods of driver fatigue, when it can be easy to lose focus and veer off course. By taking advantage of this feature, you can help keep yourself and your passengers safe on the road.

Understanding Lane Departure Warning Feature

The Lane Departure Warning (LDW) feature is a safety system that helps drivers stay within their lane while driving. It is available in many Subaru Outback models and can be activated with just a few simple steps.

When the LDW system is activated, it uses a camera mounted on the windshield to detect lane markings on the road. If the vehicle begins to drift out of its lane without the turn signal being activated, the system will provide an audible and visual warning to the driver.

It is important to note that the LDW system is not a substitute for safe driving practices. It is designed to provide an additional layer of safety to help prevent accidents caused by unintentional lane departures.

To activate the LDW feature in a Subaru Outback, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the ignition and start the vehicle.
  2. Locate the "Settings" button on the infotainment screen.
  3. Select "Eyesight" from the menu options.
  4. Scroll down to "Lane Departure Warning" and toggle the switch to the "On" position.

Once the LDW system is activated, it will remain on until it is manually turned off or the vehicle is turned off.

Overall, the LDW feature is a valuable safety tool that can help drivers stay aware and alert while driving. By understanding how to activate and use this feature, drivers can take an important step towards safer driving on the road.

Activating Lane Departure Warning in Subaru Outback

Locating the Lane Departure Warning Button

If you're driving a Subaru Outback, you'll be pleased to know that it comes equipped with a Lane Departure Warning feature. To activate this feature, you'll first need to locate the Lane Departure Warning button, which is typically located on the steering wheel. It's usually marked with an icon of a vehicle with two arrows pointing outwards.

Turning On the Lane Departure Warning

Once you've located the Lane Departure Warning button, press it to turn on the feature. You should see a light on your dashboard that indicates the feature is now active. The Lane Departure Warning feature uses cameras and sensors to detect when your vehicle is drifting out of its lane, and will alert you with a warning sound and a visual indicator on your dashboard.

Setting the Warning Volume

If you find that the warning sound is too loud or too quiet, you can adjust the volume to your liking. To do this, go to the settings menu on your Subaru Outback's infotainment system. From there, select the Lane Departure Warning option, and then adjust the volume to your desired level.

In summary, activating the Lane Departure Warning feature in a Subaru Outback is a simple process. Locate the Lane Departure Warning button on your steering wheel, press it to turn on the feature, and adjust the warning volume to your liking. With this feature activated, you'll have an extra layer of safety while driving on the road.

Utilizing the Lane Departure Warning Feature

Interpreting the Warning Signals

When you activate the lane departure warning feature in your Subaru Outback, the system will monitor your driving and provide you with visual and audible warnings if you start to drift out of your lane. The warning signals will vary depending on the severity of the drift and the speed at which you are traveling.

If you start to drift out of your lane slowly, the warning signal will be a flashing icon on your dashboard display. If you continue to drift, the icon will turn solid, and an audible warning will sound. If you drift too far out of your lane, the warning signal will be a continuous beep, and the icon will flash rapidly.

Responding to the Alerts

When you receive a warning signal from the lane departure warning feature, it is important to respond quickly and appropriately to avoid any potential accidents. Here are some tips for responding to the alerts:

  • Slow down and steer back into your lane if you are drifting out of your lane.
  • Use your turn signal to indicate your intention to change lanes if you need to make a lane change.
  • Avoid sudden or jerky movements, as this can cause your vehicle to lose control.
  • If you continue to receive warnings, you may need to take a break and rest before continuing your journey.

By utilizing the lane departure warning feature in your Subaru Outback and responding appropriately to the alerts, you can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When Lane Departure Warning Doesn't Activate

If your Subaru Outback's lane departure warning feature is not activating, there could be several reasons. First, make sure that the feature is turned on in your vehicle's settings. If it is turned on, check that the camera and sensors are clean and free of any obstructions. Dirt, snow, or other debris on the camera or sensors can prevent the feature from working correctly.

Another reason why the lane departure warning feature may not activate is if your vehicle is not traveling above a certain speed. The feature is designed to work at speeds above 40 mph, so if you are driving slower than this, it will not activate.

If you have checked all of the above and the feature still isn't working, there may be a malfunction in the system. It is recommended to take your vehicle to a Subaru dealership to have it checked out by a professional.

Dealing with False Alarms

False alarms can be frustrating, but they are not uncommon with lane departure warning systems. One common reason for false alarms is when the road markings are faded or incomplete. The system relies on clear and consistent road markings to detect when the vehicle is drifting out of its lane.

Another reason for false alarms is when the vehicle is traveling on a winding or curvy road. The system may interpret the vehicle's movements as drifting out of its lane, even though it is not.

To reduce the number of false alarms, it is recommended to keep your vehicle's camera and sensors clean and free of obstructions. Additionally, make sure that your vehicle is properly aligned and that the tires are inflated to the correct pressure.

If you continue to experience false alarms, you may want to adjust the sensitivity of the system in your vehicle's settings. However, keep in mind that reducing the sensitivity may also reduce the effectiveness of the feature.

Maintaining the Lane Departure Warning System

To ensure that the Lane Departure Warning System in your Subaru Outback remains functional, it is important to maintain it properly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the windshield clean: The camera that detects lane markings is located near the rearview mirror and requires a clear view of the road ahead. Regularly clean the windshield to ensure that the camera has an unobstructed view.

  • Keep the camera lens clean: Dirt, dust, and debris can accumulate on the camera lens and affect its performance. Use a soft, clean cloth to wipe the lens clean periodically.

  • Check for damage: The camera and its housing are located behind the windshield and are vulnerable to damage from flying debris. If you notice any cracks or damage to the windshield or camera housing, have it repaired immediately.

  • Check for software updates: Subaru periodically releases software updates for its vehicles, including updates for the Lane Departure Warning System. Check with your dealer to see if any updates are available for your vehicle.

By following these simple maintenance tips, you can ensure that your Lane Departure Warning System remains functional and provides you with added safety on the road.


In conclusion, activating the lane departure warning feature in a Subaru Outback is a simple process that can help improve safety while driving. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily turn on this useful feature and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having an extra layer of protection on the road.

Remember to always pay attention to the road and use your turn signals when changing lanes, even with the lane departure warning feature activated. This feature is designed to assist you, but it is not a substitute for safe driving practices.

If you have any questions or concerns about activating the lane departure warning feature or any other safety features in your Subaru Outback, be sure to consult your owner's manual or contact your local Subaru dealer for assistance. Safe driving!