BMW 530i Depreciation Rate and Curve

Are you researching the depreciation rates in a BMW 530i? On this page, we'll list all the depreciation information for the 13 years of data we have for the BMW 530i - from 1994 to the most recent model in 2020.

BMW 530i Historical Depreciation Table

Below is a historical table for the BMW 530i that displays year by year depreciation data.
Model Year Price When New (%) Current Depreciation ($) Current Depreciation Current Residual Value
2020 $53,900 31% $16,813 $37,087
2019 $53,400 45% $23,974 $29,426
2018 $52,650 55% $29,020 $23,630
2017 $51,200 38% $19,300 $31,900
2007 $47,500 88% $41,900 $5,600
2006 $46,800 89% $41,750 $5,050
2005 $45,400 90% $40,825 $4,575
2004 $44,900 91% $40,850 $4,050
2003 $41,100 91% $37,475 $3,625
2002 $39,450 91% $36,050 $3,400
2001 $39,400 92% $36,225 $3,175
1995 $46,500 87% $40,475 $6,025
1994 $43,633 87% $38,100 $5,533

Forecasted Depreciation

Model Year Forecast Value Forecast Period (years)
2020 $21,560 5
2019 $21,560 5
2018 $21,560 5
2017 $21,560 5
2007 $21,560 5
2006 $21,560 5
2005 $21,560 5
2004 $21,560 5
2003 $21,560 5
2002 $21,560 5
2001 $21,560 5
1995 $21,560 5
1994 $21,560 5