Buick Park Avenue Depreciation Rate and Curve

Are you researching the depreciation rates in a Buick Park Avenue? On this page, we'll list all the depreciation information for the 15 years of data we have for the Buick Park Avenue - from 1991 to the most recent model in 2005.

Buick Park Avenue Historical Depreciation Table

Below is a historical table for the Buick Park Avenue that displays year by year depreciation data.
Model Year Price When New (%) Current Depreciation ($) Current Depreciation Current Residual Value
2005 $38,142 90% $34,380 $3,762
2004 $37,838 91% $34,376 $3,462
2003 $37,162 91% $33,862 $3,300
2002 $36,010 91% $32,860 $3,150
2001 $35,385 91% $32,360 $3,025
2000 $34,562 88% $30,424 $4,138
1999 $33,578 88% $29,603 $3,975
1998 $33,112 88% $29,212 $3,900
1997 $32,495 88% $28,745 $3,750
1996 $30,512 89% $27,024 $3,488
1995 $27,236 90% $24,411 $2,825
1994 $27,164 90% $24,414 $2,750
1993 $27,718 90% $25,043 $2,675
1992 $27,032 90% $24,444 $2,588
1991 $25,902 90% $23,402 $2,500

Forecasted Depreciation

Model Year Forecast Value Forecast Period (years)
2005 $3,837 5
2004 $3,837 5
2003 $3,837 5
2002 $3,837 5
2001 $3,837 5
2000 $3,837 5
1999 $3,837 5
1998 $3,837 5
1997 $3,837 5
1996 $3,837 5
1995 $3,837 5
1994 $3,837 5
1993 $3,837 5
1992 $3,837 5
1991 $3,837 5